

Bioinsecticida formulado para controlar poblaciones de insectos como la Chicharrita de maíz.


Is an inoculant with bio-induced technology. It promotes the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even in stressful abiotic situations.

Rizoliq Dakar is an inoculant specially designed for soybean production under extremely stressful conditions of minimum water availability and high temperatures.

Is a Long Life Inoculant (LLI) that allows for the seed to be treated -alongside fungicides and insecticides- up to 60 days before the sow.

Is an inoculant that promotes high metabolic and physiological performance of microorganisms on the seeds.

A liquid inoculant, which combined with a microorganism protector, is simultaneously applied to the seed in the sowing line, ensuring the survival of the microorganisms.


Is a Liquid inoculant for winter legumes that promotes a high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmoprotective technology.

An inoculant with bio-induction technology. It strengthens the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even under stressful abiotic situations.


Rizomix es un inoculante revolucionario desarrollado en base a dos microorganismos clave, Bradyrhizobium japonicum y Pseudomonas pergaminensis.


Inoculante liofilizado para el tratamiento biológico de ensilado de forraje. Compuesto por 6 bacterias específicas que actúan como reductoras de pérdidas en silos.


Is an inoculant with bio-induced technology. It promotes the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even in stressful abiotic situations.

Is a Liquid inoculant based on Bradyrhizobium sp, formulated for the cultivation of peanuts. It includes osmoprotective Technology (TOP).

Rizoliq LLI Garbanzo es un inoculante líquido, a base de bacterias Mesorhizobium ciceri.

Biofertilizante promotor del crecimiento vegetal formulado con bacterias promotoras de crecimiento (PGPR) de la especie Pseudomonas fluorescens, seleccionadas por su capacidad de solubilizar el Fósforo del suelo.


An inoculant based on moss.

A specific inoculant for the treatment of Alfalfa, based on Sinorhizobum meliloti microorganisms.

Is a specific inoculant for the treatment of clover seeds, based on Rizhobium leguminosarum bv trifolii microorganisms


Is a Liquid inoculant for bean mung that promotes high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmo Protective technology TOP.

A bio fertilizer that promotes vegetable (plant) growth, based on microorganisms that promote growth (PGPR) of the Pseudomonas fluorescens species, selected for its capacity to solubilize the phosphorus in the soil.

Is a Liquid inoculant based on Bradyrhizobium sp, formulated for the cultivation of peanuts. It is applied simultaneously on the seed and on the sowing line. It includes osmoprotective Technology (TOP).

Is a Liquid inoculant for bean mung that promotes high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmo Protective technology TOP.

A bio fertilizer that promotes vegetable growth based on microorganisms that promote growth (PGPR) of the Pseudomonas fluorescens species, specially selected to solubilize the phosphorus in the soil.

Is a Liquid inoculant for chickpea that promotes a high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmoprotective technology.

An inoculant with bio-induction technology. It strengthens the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even under stressful abiotic situations.


Nuevo fungicida diseñado para el tratamiento de semillas de cereales de invierno.

Biological fungicide for foliar application that provides greater disease control and a prolonged residual power.

A fungicide used for the integral management of diseases that affect the cultivation of wheat in its early stages.  Active principles: Difenoconazole, Fludioxonil, Sedaxane.

A fungicide used for the treatment of barley and wheat seeds. It controls diseases that affect the seed during the implantation. Active principles: Difenoconazole 9,2 g / Metalaxyl-M 2,3 g.

A systemic and contact fungicide used for the integral treatment of the soybean seed. It combines three active principles: Fludioxonil 2,5 g + Metalaxyl-M 2,0 g + Tiabendazole 15 g.

A seed treatment with wide range of pathogen control, which combines two active principles: Fludioxonil 2,5 g y Metalaxyl-M. 1,0 g.

Fungicides / Insecticides

A Fungicide and an Insecticide, it combines four active principles: the fungicides Fludioxonil 2,5 % +  Meltalaxyl-M 2% + Tiabendazole 15% + the insecticide Tiametoxan 35 %.


A fungicide seed treatment based on watery substances with polymers, which distinguishes itself for the quality of its formulation. It is the combination of two active principles: Thiram 35% y Carbendazim 15%.

Fungicides / Insecticides

Curative used for the treatment of cereal seeds formulated with wide range fungicides (Difenoconazole 2,5% + Fludioxonil 2,5% y Sedaxane 5%) plus an active insecticide ingredient (Tiametoxam 17,5%).


A foliar fungicide designed for the control of diseases that affect all crops during their development. Active principle: Carbendazim.

Fungicides / Insecticides

An insecticide and fungicide therapy that is specially used for the control of insect attacks in the soil and the appearance of diseases in wheat crops.


Protección por mucho más tiempo. Bio-controlador fúngico de origen biológico para tratamiento de semillas que logra un mayor control de enfermedades y brinda un prolongado poder residual.

Fungicides / Insecticides

Este producto es la combinación de 3 fungicidas más un potente insecticida para tratamiento de semillas de soja. Composición: Fludioxonil 1,2 g + Tiametoxam 24 g + Metalaxil-M 3,6 g + Sedaxane 1,2 g.

A fungicide and insecticide therapy used for the treatment of oats, wheat, barley and soybean. It is specially designed for the control of diseases and insects that affect the sowing and its implantation.

Microgranular Fertilizer

Vitagrow TS offers four benefits in a single product: it is a biostimulant, anti-stress, detoxicant foliar fertilizer that contributes multinutrients.

Microstar CMB BIO is the first micro-granular fertilizer in a chemical mixture associated with biological technology, which enhances crops nutrition and adds life to the soil.

Microstar PZ BIO is the first micro-granular fertilizer in a chemical mixture associated with a biological technology, which enhances the nutrition of crops and adds life to the soil.

VitaGrow is an organic-mineral foliar fertilizer that helps increase crops productivity and sustainability.

Microstar CMB microgranular fertilizer technology promotes crop start and represents a qualitative leap towards efficiency and precision in the nutrition process. It expands the response possibilities in crops with high nutritional demand, for which boron is essential to achieve maximum yields.


Microstar PZ microgranular fertilizer technology promotes crop start and represents a qualitative leap towards efficiency and precision in the nutrition process. Offers the greatest efficiency on the market by applying the necessary rate of zinc.

Liquid fertilizer used in the application of Zinc in the treatment of rice, maize, wheat and sorghum seeds.


Only adjuvant technology that integrates a surfactant molecule system combined with modified vegetable oil (MSO), creating a micro emulsion specially designed to accompany broth-based graminicides. 

Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications.

Super moistening and dispersing adjuvant, only formulated based on trixiloxane and copolymer, without Nonyl phenol.

It is a pH corrector with buffering capacity and an ability to captor high performing cations that improves the water quality of agricultural sprays.

An adjuvant formulated on greasy monoramified etoxylated alcohol (AGE). It is a tension active and moisturizer that improves the coverage and contact of the agro-chemicals over the foliar surface. It is free of Nonyl Phenol.

Anti-evaporating power and penetrating product, it emulsifies the products when applied, forming a protective film, in this way reducing the evaporation and improving its reaction with the vegetable cuticles.

An agent that prevents or eliminates the formation of foam in tanks.

A physiologic activator to be used with herbicides.

An adjuvant formulated on greasy monoramified etoxylated alcohol (AGE). It is a tension active and moisturizer that improves the coverage and contact of the agro-chemicals over the foliar surface. It is free of Nonyl Phenol.

Optimizá los caldos de aplicación. Evitá que las mezclas se corten y recuperá aquellas que parecían perdidas

La tranquilidad del campo empieza por tu tanque limpio

An anti evaporation product to be used accompanied by fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. It is a vegetable oil of medium to rapid rupture, emulsifiable in water. It is apt for use in fruit growth.

Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications.

Baits for pest control

A crustacean pesticide feed specially designed for the control of isopods (sow bug).

A molluscicides feed that enables an efficient control of slugs and snails. Its active principle is metaldheido methylate (a specific molluscicide) with a 5% concentration.

Stored grains

Fumigation tablets that eliminate all the evolutionary stages of insects in stored grains.

An acaricide insecticide for the secure and prolonged control of plagues in stored grains. Formulated with the active ingredient of Pirimiphos-methyl.

An acaricide insecticide for a secure and prolonged control of plagues in stored grains. Formulated under last generation active principles: Pirimiphos-methyl and Lambda-cyhalothrin


For more information about our company, products and points of sale, do not hesitate to contact us; we will answer your question as soon as possible.

(54) 9 02477409400

Av. Dr Arturo Frondizi 1150
Parque Industrial - Pergamino, Argentina

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