South Africa Linea de productos - Any -AdjuvantBiostimulantsInsecticide Seed treatmentFoliar fertilizerLiquid fertilizerMicrogranular FertilizerBacterial protector Aplicar Biofungicides Biofungicides Biofungicide See more Broad spectrum fungal and bacterial disease management to control powdery mildew, blight, Anthracnose and other bacterial diseases. Biofungicide Broad spectrum fungal and bacterial disease management to control powdery mildew, blight, Anthracnose and other bacterial diseases. Go back Details Regalia Maxx works from the inside out, by triggering treated plants’ natural defense mechanisms to produce disease-fighting biochemicals, while simultaneously enhancing plant health, crop yield and crop quality. Regalia Maxx is an organic fungicide that is exempt from residue tolerances (MRLs = maximum residue levels). Mode of Action: Inhibits pathogen growth: SAR/ISR triggers the creation of several antimicrobial compounds, phenolics, phytoalexins and PR proteins that enable treated plants to inhibit and restrain pathogen growth. Strengthens cell walls: SAR/ISR signals the plant to accumulate more lignin, which thickens and strengthens cell walls. This added strength helps protect against penetration by pathogens and lends structural integrity to the plant. Promotes plant growth: In addition to disease control, Regalia also enhances plant health by stimulating the production of phytohormones and chlorophyll – a critical compound in photosynthesis, the energy producing reaction in plants. Works from the inside out, by triggering treated plants’ natural defense mechanisms to produce disease-fighting biochemicals, while simultaneously enhancing plant health, crop yield and crop quality. Advantages Boost yield quality – Inhibits fungal and bacterial disease, increases plant stress tolerance, and optimizes yield.Manage resistance – New and simple IPM option with low risk of resistance; sustainably manages diseases.Harvest flexibility – Can be used right before harvest without concern for residues. Crop Fruits and Vegetables Packaging Ver CONTACT For more information about our company, products and points of sale, do not hesitate to contact us; we will answer your question as soon as possible. (27) 66-304-0755 Domicilio 510 Makou St. - Monument Park X2 Localidad Pretoria, Sudáfrica Send us a Whatsapp