Argentina Linea de productos - Any -AdjuvantBiostimulantsInsecticide Seed treatmentFoliar fertilizerLiquid fertilizerMicrogranular FertilizerBacterial protector Aplicar Bioinsecticide Soya Others Soya Ensilado Others Forage Others Biofungicides Fungicides / Insecticides Biofungicides Fungicides / Insecticides Biofungicides Fungicides / Insecticides Biofungicides Fungicides / Insecticides Microgranular Fertilizer Adyuvant Baits for pest control Stored grains Bioinsecticide BioControl See more Bioinsecticida formulado para controlar poblaciones de insectos como la Chicharrita de maíz. BioControl Bioinsecticida formulado para controlar poblaciones de insectos como la Chicharrita de maíz. Go back Details Rizoveria es una innovadora herramienta biológica de Rizobacter, diseñada específicamente para el control de la chicharrita, una plaga que afecta gravemente a los cultivos de maíz. Compuesto por el hongo entomopatógeno Beauveria bassiana, este producto es capaz de controlar más de 200 especies de insectos. Su mecanismo de acción de realiza a través del ingreso a los insectos por los espiráculos, vía oral o adhiriéndose a la superficie de los insectos y germina sobre su cutícula mediante diversos procesos enzimáticos. Una vez dentro del insecto, el hongo coloniza los tejidos, genera toxinas, deseca al insecto y produce su muerte al cabo de 2-5 días. Rizoveria es una herramienta para el manejo de la plaga. Su aplicación controla el crecimiento de altas poblaciones, especialmente en los primeros 30 a 40 días desde la emergencia. Aplicación: Se aconseja realizar dos aplicaciones, entre los estadios V2/V3 y V4/V6 con la misma dosis. Advantages Por su característica biológica, posee mejor manejo de la resistencia.Mantiene el equilibrio de poblaciones benéficas.Pertenece a la clase de productos más adoptada para el Manejo Integral de Plagas.Amplia adopción y aceptación del hongo como controlador de Chicharrita. Crop Maíz Maíz Corn Corn Application Rate 1 L por hectárea de Rizoveria. 120 - 150 L de agua. Se recomienda la utilización de Rizospray Extremo (200 cm3). Brochure Download Packaging Ver Soya Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Is an inoculant with bio-induced technology. It promotes the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even in stressful abiotic situations. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is an inoculant with bio-induced technology. It promotes the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even in stressful abiotic situations. Go back Details Through the bio-signaling communication, the bio-inductor prepares the plant so it can relate better with its environment, while providing it with better resources to grow. It promotes the symbiotic association with the rhizobium microorganisms, producing greater activity in the rhizosphere and a more effective nodulation, which allows for an optimal Biological Fixation of Nitrogen. It also stimulates the inter-relation with different valuable microorganisms that are present in the soil that provide additional advantages to the inoculation. It activates mechanisms of resistance to abiotic stress (low temperatures, drought and soil acidity), and induces defensive responses in the interaction with harmful microorganisms. Advantages Activates the microbial and vegetable physiology.Works on the germination and development of the cropAnticipates the exchange of signals between the root and the useful microorganisms of the soil.Promotes the activity in the rhizosphere.Induces the resistance to diseases by the activation of defensive signalsMaximizes the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen even under conditions of abiotic stress.Increases the performance and quality of the grain. Crop Garbanzo Legumbres Soja Soya Presentation 2 L Bladder Application Rate 200 ml/100 kg of seeds Safety data sheet Download Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Rizoliq Dakar is an inoculant specially designed for soybean production under extremely stressful conditions of minimum water availability and high temperatures. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Rizoliq Dakar is an inoculant specially designed for soybean production under extremely stressful conditions of minimum water availability and high temperatures. Go back Details Rizoliq Dakar provides a sustainable and adaptable answer to climate change and environments of great water deficiency and high temperatures, which affect the productivity of crops. It also addresses the need of providing better production possibilities in areas with limited settings, which can put the survival of the microorganisms in the inoculant, the symbiosis and the productivity of the soybean plant at risk. This exclusive formula contains specific Bradyrhizobium japonicum SEMIA 5079 and Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens SEMIA 5080 strains, obtained through the process of Induced Natural Selection, which showed overexpressed metabolic, enzymatic and protein capacity that translates into greater mobility in the quest for Carbon and Nitrogen. This also translates into greater self-preservation. This allows for a better Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, dryer nodular mass, vegetative biomass and its implementation in previously unthinkable conditions. In contains 2x 1010 microorganisms per ml during the production process and more than 2x109 microorganisms per ml at the time of expiration. Advantages Increased yield potentialMitigates the effect of main failure factors on the inoculation and nodulation processExtends pre-treatment periodIncreases bacterial tolerance against high temperaturesFavors crop development in marginal areas with low water availabilityProvides greater Biological Nitrogen Fixation Crop Soja Soya Soybean Presentation Rizopack Dakar 504., Rizopack Dakar 502 RFC Application Rate See specifications in Packs Brochure Download Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Is a Long Life Inoculant (LLI) that allows for the seed to be treated -alongside fungicides and insecticides- up to 60 days before the sow. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is a Long Life Inoculant (LLI) that allows for the seed to be treated -alongside fungicides and insecticides- up to 60 days before the sow. Go back Details Its last generation microbiological technology ensures greater microorganism survival over the soybean, a greater nodular dry mass, better Biological Fixation of Nitrogen and high compatibility with seed treatments. With LLI, keeping the microorganisms alive along with the treatment of the seeds is no longer a problem because it becomes the motor for the solution, resulting in a significant advancement in the process of pre-sowing. Advantages It enables the treatment of the seed- alongside fungicides and insecticides of chemical origin- up to 60 days before the sowing.Ensures an adequate amount of microorganisms on the seedMore practical: allows an even flow in the distribution, enabling the quality of the treatment.Allows for a perfect dosage, ensuring a decrease in the amount of product used.Allows for the concept “ready to use” with less environmental risk, reducing the damage to the seed in pre-sowing treatments.Greater implantation speed and security. Crop Garbanzo Chickpea Presentation 125 ml/50 kg of seeds Application Rate 5 L Blister Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Is an inoculant that promotes high metabolic and physiological performance of microorganisms on the seeds. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is an inoculant that promotes high metabolic and physiological performance of microorganisms on the seeds. Go back Details The inclusion of osmoprotective substances in its composition (TOP Technology) allows for the improvement of the physiological state of the microorganisms, an increase in the concentration and its survival on the seed. It contains 1x 1010 microorganisms/per ml during the elaboration process and 1x 109 microorganisms/ per ml to the expiration date. Its formula, based on Brady rhizobium japonicum, ensures that the root of the germinated seed be infected quickly, in this way accelerating the process of Biological Fixation of Nitrogen. It allows for the treatment of the seed 20 days in advance without the need of tallying any extra additives. If applied with a seed treatment, it can be done seven days in advance. Advantages Greater concentration of microorganisms and greater stability in the container.Greater protection on a cellular membrane level so as to reduce microorganism desiccation.Greater microorganism survival on the surface of the seed.Greater adaptation to adverse environmental conditions, such as hydric and chemical stress. Crop Garbanzo Legumbres Soja Soya Presentation 5 L Blister Application Rate 200 mL / 100 kg of seeds Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more A liquid inoculant, which combined with a microorganism protector, is simultaneously applied to the seed in the sowing line, ensuring the survival of the microorganisms. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers A liquid inoculant, which combined with a microorganism protector, is simultaneously applied to the seed in the sowing line, ensuring the survival of the microorganisms. Go back Details It is more practical because it makes it possible for the producer to be liberated from the inoculation process of the seed that is carried out before the sowing. Advantages Produces excellent nodulationGreater nitrogen fixation capacity.Easy applicationSimultaneous inoculation and sowingGreater contribution of microorganisms to the seed and the rhizosphereAvoids the desiccation of the inoculant on the legumentum of the seedSaves time Crop Soybean Presentation 4 bladders of 2 L each Application Rate 8L/20 ha Safety data sheet Download Brochure Download Packaging Ver Others Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more An inoculant with bio-induction technology. It strengthens the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even under stressful abiotic situations. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers An inoculant with bio-induction technology. It strengthens the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even under stressful abiotic situations. Go back Details The formula is based on Rhizobium leguminozarum biovar viceae strains, specific for the pea. This differentiation guarantees that the root of the germinated seed be quickly infected, accelerating the nodulation and the process of Nitrogen Fixation. The greatest advantages lie in the response of the crop in situations such as momentary drought, water excess, low temperatures and the acidity of the soil. Bio induction technology activate resistance mechanisms in the plant that allow for the creation of nodules, even under stressful situations, and allows for the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, fundamental in the nutrition of the crop. It also stimulates the interrelation with different beneficial microorganisms of the soil that provide additional advantages to the inoculation, activating mechanisms of resistance to disadvantageous environmental factors that are bad for the development of crop. Advantages Maximum Biological Fixation of Nitrogen.Promotes a more effective nodulation: greater amount of nodules with good size, weight and positioning on the root.Induces a resistance to diseases.Promotes activity in the rhizosphere.Improves the behavior of the crop in stressful abiotic situations.Activates the microbial and vegetable physiology. Crop Arveja Legumbres Pea Chickpea Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Is a Liquid inoculant for winter legumes that promotes a high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmoprotective technology. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is a Liquid inoculant for winter legumes that promotes a high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmoprotective technology. Go back Details It uses the Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae strain, specially used to inoculate peas, lentils and vicia. The high metabolic and physiological performance of the microorganisms provide by the TOP Technology, ensure that the root of the germinated seed be infected very quickly, in this way accelerating the process of Biological Fixation of Nitrogen. The inclusion of osmoprotective substances (TOP Technology) promotes a high metabolic and physiological performance of the microorganisms that make up the inoculant. In this way, they can achieve better survival on the surface of the seed. They also adapt better to diverse agricultural environments and adverse situations such as hydric and chemical stress. Advantages Survival of high number of microorganisms on the seedRapid germination and growth of the cropGreater root mass: it allows the plant to improve its exploration of the soil, powering the yield of nutrients and waterGreater grain sizeGreater health and survival of plantsImprovement in yield Crop Pea Chickpea Lentil Vicia Presentation Box with 5 envelopes of 200g Application Rate 200g per 25 Kg of seed Soya Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Rizomix es un inoculante revolucionario desarrollado en base a dos microorganismos clave, Bradyrhizobium japonicum y Pseudomonas pergaminensis. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Rizomix es un inoculante revolucionario desarrollado en base a dos microorganismos clave, Bradyrhizobium japonicum y Pseudomonas pergaminensis. Go back Details Rizomix es un inoculante revolucionario desarrollado en base a dos microorganismos clave, Bradyrhizobium japonicum y Pseudomonas pergaminensis. Una combinación única que potencia la Fijación Biológica de Nitrógeno y promueve la solubilización de fósforo, maximizando el aprovechamiento de nutrientes por parte de la planta. Rizomix es el último lanzamiento de Rizobacter en inoculantes para soja. Es una solución única en el mercado, líquida y 100% biológica que contiene dos microorganismos beneficiosos en un solo producto. La presencia de Bradyrhizobium y Pseudomonas genera una serie de efectos positivos incluyendo el aumento de nódulos y raíces con mayor tamaño y longitud, así como la promoción del crecimiento de la masa radicular y de hojas verdes. Advantages Combinación de tecnologías: solución única, completa y eficiente.Formulación superior: pasando de la co-inoculación a la inoculación multiple, permite una aplicación más práctica y precisa.Practicidad en el manejo del producto: menor volumen en aplicación, evitando problemas de pegoteo en las sembradoras.100% biológico: Rizomix es un producto biológico.Mayor aprovechamiento de nutrientes: al solubilizar más fósforo, genera un mayor desarrollo de raíces y un mejor aprovechamiento de los nutrientes disponibles en el suelo, logrando un arranque inicial más vigoroso.Mayor rendimiento: mayor superficie radicular y aérea, Rizomix aumenta las posibilidades de éxito en el cultivo, generando un mayor potencial de rendimiento.Promoción del crecimiento inicial del cultivo. Crop Soja Soya Application Rate 3 vejigas x 2 Lt c/u de Bradyrhizobium japonicum + Pseudomonas Pergaminensis., 3 vejigas x 1 Lt c/u de Rizoderma Soja, 3 botellas de 500 mL de COLOR RED 49:1 Brochure Download Ensilado Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Inoculante liofilizado para el tratamiento biológico de ensilado de forraje. Compuesto por 6 bacterias específicas que actúan como reductoras de pérdidas en silos. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Inoculante liofilizado para el tratamiento biológico de ensilado de forraje. Compuesto por 6 bacterias específicas que actúan como reductoras de pérdidas en silos. Go back Details Inoculante para silo liofilizado, 100% biológico. Compuesto por 6 tipos de bacterias Homo y heterofermentativas que actúan de manera distinta en contacto con el forraje otorgándole estabilización al silo durante el período de almacenaje y luego de abrirlo. Además, posee un 8% de enzimas que aumentan la disponibilidad de azucares fermentables que ayudan a la degradación del material y sea mejor asimilado por el animal, obteniendo mayor producción de carne y de leche. La fórmula liofilizada no requiere cadena de Frio y permite tener un plazo de vencimiento mayor a otros inoculantes. Advantages Producto 100% biológicoInoculante para ensilado de Forraje con Mayor porcentaje de enzimas.Gran estabilidad del material, una vez abierto el silo mantiene su baja temperatura.Reduce la posibilidad de aparición de micotoxinas. Crop Barley Corn Green Pastures Presentation Caja con 12 frascos de 200 gr. cada uno., Cada Frasco sirve para 100 tn. de forraje.. Others Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Rizoliq LLI Garbanzo es un inoculante líquido, a base de bacterias Mesorhizobium ciceri. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Rizoliq LLI Garbanzo es un inoculante líquido, a base de bacterias Mesorhizobium ciceri. Go back Details Rizoliq LLI is a Mesorhizobium ciceri bacteria-based liquid inoculant for chickpeas that provides a practical application, an excellent distribution, and a high capacity to sustain on-seed bacterial survival for a longer period (up to 60 days), even in treatments that are complemented with our chemical seed treatments. Specifically developed for professional seed treatment, it offers the best solution to enhance crop nutrition by combining Rizoliq LLI Chickpea inoculation technology and Premax LLI protector, guaranteeing bacterial survival and optimal crop emergence. Advantages Allows an anticipated professional seed treatment (up to 60 days), even combined fungicides and insecticides, due to its high compatibility with our chemical seed therapies.Ensures an adequate bacterial load on the seed.Allows an exact dosage. The professional seed treatment ensures a homogeneous dosage per seed.Simplifies the sowing process significantly.Includes Osmo-Protection Technology. Crop Legumbres Chickpea Presentation Packaging for 2000 Kg of seeds., Box with 1 bladder of Rizoliq LLI Chickpea inoculant of 8 L + 1 bladder of Premax LLI protector of 2.8 L. Application Rate 200 ml inoculant + 70 ml protector/50 Kg of seeds Safety data sheet Download Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Biofertilizante promotor del crecimiento vegetal formulado con bacterias promotoras de crecimiento (PGPR) de la especie Pseudomonas fluorescens, seleccionadas por su capacidad de solubilizar el Fósforo del suelo. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Biofertilizante promotor del crecimiento vegetal formulado con bacterias promotoras de crecimiento (PGPR) de la especie Pseudomonas fluorescens, seleccionadas por su capacidad de solubilizar el Fósforo del suelo. Go back Details Incrementa la disponibilidad del fósforo del suelo, mineralizando la fracción orgánica y solubilizando la fracción inorgánica. Genera fitohormonas (auxinas, giberelinas, citoquininas) que actúan como factores de crecimiento que potencian el desarrollo radical del cultivo. Produce antibióticos y sideóforos que protegen a las plantas de patógenos fúngicos y mejoran la sanidad Está formulado en un soporte estéril líquido que contiene , Pseudomonas fluorescens , con una concentración bacteriana que garantiza la acción del producto, garantizando mejoras en el desarrollo radicular y vegetativo. Advantages Incrementa la disponibilidad del fósforo del suelo.Mejora la eficiencia de uso de los fertilizantes fosforados.Promueve sustancias estimuladoras del crecimiento que inducen a la iniciación radicular e incrementan la formación de raíces y pelos radicularesProtege a las plantas de patógenos fúngicosEs apto para ser aplicado en agricultura orgánica Crop Girasol Girasol Girasol Sunflower Presentation 2 vejigas de 2 L de Rizofos Liq Girasol + 2 sobres de 200 mL c/u de Premax R Application Rate 2,2 L de Inoculante+200 mL c/100kg de semillas Brochure Download Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Is an inoculant with bio-induced technology. It promotes the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even in stressful abiotic situations. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is an inoculant with bio-induced technology. It promotes the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even in stressful abiotic situations. Go back Details Through the bio-signaling communication, the bio-inductor prepares the plant so it can relate better with its environment, while providing it with better resources to grow. It promotes the symbiotic association with the rhizobium microorganisms, producing greater activity in the rhizosphere and a more effective nodulation, which allows for an optimal Biological Fixation of Nitrogen. It also stimulates the inter-relation with different valuable microorganisms that are present in the soil that provide additional advantages to the inoculation. It activates mechanisms of resistance to abiotic stress (low temperatures, drought and soil acidity), and induces defensive responses in the interaction with harmful microorganisms. Signum Vicia is marketed together with our therapeutic fungicide Rizoderma, forming a 100% biological combination. Advantages Activates the microbial and vegetable physiology.Works on the germination and development of the cropAnticipates the exchange of signals between the root and the useful microorganisms of the soil.Promotes the activity in the rhizosphere.Induces the resistance to diseases by the activation of defensive signalsMaximizes the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen even under conditions of abiotic stress. Crop Vicia Presentation Bag in Box of 2 L each inoculant Signum Vicia. , 1 bladder of 1 L. of Rizoderma. , 1 botella colorante COLOR RED 49:1 de 500 mL, 1 bottle COLOR RED 49:1 500mL Application Rate 200 mL of Signum Vicia + 50 mL of Rizoderma every 50 kilos of vetch seeds. Brochure Download Liquid inoculant See more Is a Liquid inoculant based on Bradyrhizobium sp, formulated for the cultivation of peanuts. It includes osmoprotective Technology (TOP). Liquid inoculant Is a Liquid inoculant based on Bradyrhizobium sp, formulated for the cultivation of peanuts. It includes osmoprotective Technology (TOP). Go back Details Liquid inoculant, practical to apply, excellent distribution and with the highest capacity to sustain bacterial survival on the seed for longer (up to 30 days), even in treatments supplemented with chemically synthesized therapies. Developed under strict and continuous quality control implemented in the laboratory, in the growth chamber and in the field. It allows for greater survival of microorganisms and a greater concentration of these on the seed. This allows for the root of the germinated seed to be infected quickly, accelerating the process of Biological Fixation of Nitrogen. It is very practical because it allows the farmer to be liberated from the inoculation treatment of the seed that takes place before the sowing. The inclusion of osmoprotective substances (TOP Technology) promotes the high metabolic and physiological performance of the microorganisms that are part of the inoculant. In this way, they are able to endure greater survival rate on all the seed’s surface, and better adapt to diverse agricultural environments and adverse situations, such as hydric and chemical stress. The internal protection of the microorganisms allows for a competitive edge of up to seven days before sowing, making the job of the farmer easier. If the sowing is detained by any eventuality, there is no need to treat the seed again. Advantages Easy application.Simultaneous inoculation and sowing.Greater amount of microorganisms in the seed and the rhizosphere.Avoid drying the inoculum on the seed coatSaves time. Crop Mani Presentation 8 L Bladder Application Rate 200 mL/50 K of seeds Forage Liquid inoculant See more An inoculant based on moss. Liquid inoculant An inoculant based on moss. Go back Details A specific inoculant for the treatment of Lotus seeds, based on Mesorhizobium loti microorganisms. Allows the inoculation of Lotus seeds with especially selected strains that guarantee an adequate number of microorganisms for the efficient Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, essential for the development of forage. Liquid form Advantages Greater final amount of forage.High protein content of forage.Increase the production of meat and milk.Use of leftover Nitrogen in successive crops.Non-contaminating practice: the soil receives important quantities of nitrogen, avoiding contamination through the use of chemical fertilizers. Crop Lotus Presentation Box with 5 envelopes of 200g Application Rate 200g per 25 Kg of seed Liquid inoculant See more A specific inoculant for the treatment of Alfalfa, based on Sinorhizobum meliloti microorganisms. Liquid inoculant A specific inoculant for the treatment of Alfalfa, based on Sinorhizobum meliloti microorganisms. Go back Details Allows for the inoculation of alfalfa seeds with strains specially selected to guarantee the correct amount of microorganisms necessary for an efficient Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, essential to the development of forage. Based on moss. Advantages High protein content of forage.Greater quantity of forage.Increase the conversion of meat and milk.Use of leftover Nitrogen in successive crops.Non-contaminating practice: the soil receives important quantities of nitrogen, avoiding contamination through the use of chemical fertilizers. Crop Alfalfa Presentation Box with 5 envelopes of 200g Application Rate 200g per 25 Kg of seed Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Is a specific inoculant for the treatment of clover seeds, based on Rizhobium leguminosarum bv trifolii microorganisms Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is a specific inoculant for the treatment of clover seeds, based on Rizhobium leguminosarum bv trifolii microorganisms Go back Details It allows the inoculation of white clover (Trifolium repens), red clover (Trifolium pratense), Alexandrian Clover (Trifolium alexandrinum), Persian Clover (Trifolium resupinatum) and other true clovers, with strains specially selected so they guarantee and adequate number of microorganisms for the efficient Biological Fixation of Nitrogen. Liquid form Advantages Greater final amount of forage.High protein content of forage.Increase the production of meat and milk.Use of leftover Nitrogen in successive crops.Non-contaminating practice: the soil receives important quantities of nitrogen, avoiding contamination through the use of chemical fertilizers. Crop Alfalfa Pastures Clover Presentation Box with 5 envelopes of 200 ml Application Rate 200 ml per 25 Kg of seed Safety data sheet Download Brochure Download Others Liquid inoculant See more Is a Liquid inoculant based on Bradyrhizobium sp, formulated for the cultivation of peanuts. It is applied simultaneously on the seed and on the sowing line. It includes osmoprotective Technology (TOP). Liquid inoculant Is a Liquid inoculant based on Bradyrhizobium sp, formulated for the cultivation of peanuts. It is applied simultaneously on the seed and on the sowing line. It includes osmoprotective Technology (TOP). Go back Details It allows for greater survival of microorganisms and a greater concentration of these on the seed. This allows for the root of the germinated seed to be infected quickly, accelerating the process of Biological Fixation of Nitrogen. It is very practical because it allows the farmer to be liberated from the inoculation treatment of the seed that takes place before the sowing. The inclusion of osmoprotective substances (TOP Technology) promotes the high metabolic and physiological performance of the microorganisms that are part of the inoculant. In this way, they are able to endure greater survival rate on all the seed’s surface, and better adapt to diverse agricultural environments and adverse situations, such as hydric and chemical stress. The internal protection of the microorganisms allows for a competitive edge of up to seven days before sowing, making the job of the farmer easier. If the sowing is detained by any eventuality, there is no need to treat the seed again. Advantages Produces excellent nodulation.Greater capacity to fixate Nitrogen.Easy application.Simultaneous inoculation and sowing.Greater amount of microorganisms in the seed and the rhizosphere.Avoids the desiccation of the inoculant on the legumen of the seed.Saves time. Crop Peanut Presentation 7,5 L Blister Application Rate Inoculation in the seeding line: 1.5 liters. for Has., Recommendations: Rizoliq Mani should be applied at least 20 liters of disinfectant-free water, Inoculation on seed: 1,5 Lt for 150 kg of seeds Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Is a Liquid inoculant for bean mung that promotes high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmo Protective technology TOP. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is a Liquid inoculant for bean mung that promotes high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmo Protective technology TOP. Go back Details It uses the Bradhirizobium sp + Bradhirizobium Inta C-95 strain, specially used to inoculate bean mung seeds. The high metabolic and physiological performance of the microorganisms provide by the TOP Technology, ensure that the root of the germinated seed be infected very quickly, in this way accelerating the process of Biological Fixation of Nitrogen. The inclusion of osmoprotective substances (TOP Technology) promotes a high metabolic and physiological performance of the microorganisms that make up the inoculant. In this way, they can achieve better survival on the surface of the seed. They also adapt better to diverse agricultural environments and adverse situations such as hydric and chemical stress. The internal protection in the microorganisms also allows for an advantage in the sowing of up to seven days, making the job of the farmer easier. If the sowing is held back by any eventuality, it is not necessary to treat the seed again. Advantages Survival of high number of microorganisms on the seed.Rapid germination and growth of the crop.Greater root mass: it allows the plant to improve its exploration of the soil, powering the yield of nutrients and water.Greater grain size.Greater health and survival of plants.Improvement in yield Crop Poroto Chickpea Bean Poroto Mung Presentation 4 L Blister Application Rate 200 g per 50 Kg of seed Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more A bio fertilizer that promotes vegetable growth based on microorganisms that promote growth (PGPR) of the Pseudomonas fluorescens species, specially selected to solubilize the phosphorus in the soil. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers A bio fertilizer that promotes vegetable growth based on microorganisms that promote growth (PGPR) of the Pseudomonas fluorescens species, specially selected to solubilize the phosphorus in the soil. Go back Details It increases the availability of the Phosphorus in the soil, mineralizing the organic portion and solubilizing the inorganic one. It produces phytohormones (auxinas, giberelinas, cytokinins) that act as growth potentiating factors, empowering root development in the crop. It produces antibiotics and siderophores that protect the plants from fungicide pathogens and improve its overall health. It is formulated in a sterile liquid container that has Pseudomonas fluorescens, which have a microorganism concentration that assures the action of the product, guaranteeing the improvement in the root and vegetable (plant) growth. Advantages Increases the availability of phosphorus in the soil.Improves the efficiency of the use of phosphorus fertilizers.Promotes growth stimulating substances that induce the start of root growth and increases the formation of roots and root hairs.Apt for use in organic agriculture. Crop Corn Sorghum Presentation 800-ml bladders of Biological Rizofos Wheat + one box with two envelopes with 200-ml of PreMax R Protector + Dossifier Application Rate 160-ml of inoculant + 40-ml Protector (200 ml/20 Kg of seeds), 800-ml of inoculant + 200-ml Protector (1000 ml/100 Kg of seeds) Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Is a Liquid inoculant for chickpea that promotes a high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmoprotective technology. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is a Liquid inoculant for chickpea that promotes a high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmoprotective technology. Go back Details It uses the Mesorhizobium cicerii strain, specially used to inoculate chickpea seeds. The high metabolic and physiological performance of the microorganisms provide by the TOP Technology, ensure that the root of the germinated seed be infected very quickly, in this way accelerating the process of Biological Fixation of Nitrogen. The inclusion of osmoprotective substances (TOP Technology) promotes a high metabolic and physiological performance of the microorganisms that make up the inoculant. In this way, they can achieve better survival on the surface of the seed. They also adapt better to diverse agricultural environments and adverse situations such as hydric and chemical stress. The internal protection in the microorganisms also allows for an advantage in the sowing of up to seven days, making the job of the farmer easier. If the sowing is held back by any eventuality, it is not necessary to treat the seed again. Advantages Survival of high number of microorganisms on the seedRapid germination and growth of the cropGreater root mass: it allows the plant to improve its exploration of the soil, powering the yield of nutrients and water.Greater grain sizeGreater health and survival of plantsImprovement in yield Crop Chickpea Other Legumes Presentation Box with 5 envelopes of 2 L c/u Application Rate 200g per 50 Kg of seed Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more An inoculant with bio-induction technology. It strengthens the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even under stressful abiotic situations. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers An inoculant with bio-induction technology. It strengthens the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even under stressful abiotic situations. Go back Details The formula is based onMesorhizobium cicerii, specific for the cheakpea. This differentiation guarantees that the root of the germinated seed be quickly infected, accelerating the nodulation and the process of Nitrogen Fixation. The greatest advantages lie in the response of the crop in situations such as momentary drought, water excess, low temperatures and the acidity of the soil. Bio induction technology activate resistance mechanisms in the plant that allow for the creation of nodules, even under stressful situations, and allows for the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, fundamental in the nutrition of the crop. It also stimulates the interrelation with different beneficial microorganisms of the soil that provide additional advantages to the inoculation, activating mechanisms of resistance to disadvantageous environmental factors that are bad for the development of crop. Advantages Maximum Biological Fixation of Nitrogen.Promotes a more effective nodulation: greater amount of nodules with good size, weight and positioning on the rootInduces a resistance to diseases.Promotes activity in the rhizosphere.Improves the behavior of the crop in stressful abiotic situations.Activates the microbial and vegetable physiology. Crop Chickpea Other Legumes Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more Is a Liquid inoculant for bean mung that promotes high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmo Protective technology TOP. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers Is a Liquid inoculant for bean mung that promotes high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmo Protective technology TOP. Go back Details It uses the Rhizobium tropici y Rhizobium etli, specially used to inoculate bean seeds. The high metabolic and physiological performance of the microorganisms provide by the TOP Technology, ensure that the root of the germinated seed be infected very quickly, in this way accelerating the process of Biological Fixation of Nitrogen. The inclusion of osmoprotective substances (TOP Technology) promotes a high metabolic and physiological performance of the microorganisms that make up the inoculant. In this way, they can achieve better survival on the surface of the seed. They also adapt better to diverse agricultural environments and adverse situations such as hydric and chemical stress. The internal protection in the microorganisms also allows for an advantage in the sowing of up to seven days, making the job of the farmer easier. If the sowing is held back by any eventuality, it is not necessary to treat the seed again. Advantages Survival of high number of microorganisms on the seed.Rapid germination and growth of the crop.Greater root mass: it allows the plant to improve its exploration of the soil, powering the yield of nutrients and waterGreater grain sizeGreater health and survival of plants.Improvement in yield Crop Poroto Bean Presentation 4 L Blister. Application Rate 1000 g per 250 Kg of seed Inoculants & Bio-Inducers See more A bio fertilizer that promotes vegetable (plant) growth, based on microorganisms that promote growth (PGPR) of the Pseudomonas fluorescens species, selected for its capacity to solubilize the phosphorus in the soil. Inoculants & Bio-Inducers A bio fertilizer that promotes vegetable (plant) growth, based on microorganisms that promote growth (PGPR) of the Pseudomonas fluorescens species, selected for its capacity to solubilize the phosphorus in the soil. Go back Details It can be applied 15 days before sowing. It increases the availability of phosphorus in the soil, mineralizing the organic portion and solubilizing the inorganic one. It produces phytohormones (auxins, bierlinas, cytokinins) that act as growth factors empowering root growth in the crop. It produces antibiotics and siderophores, which protect the plants from fungicide pathogens and improve its overall health. It is formulated in a sterile liquid carrier that contains Pseudomonas fluorescens, which have a microorganism concentration that assures the action of the product, guaranteeing the improvement in the root and vegetable (plant) growth. Advantages Increases the availability of phosphorus in the soil.Improves the efficiency of phosphorus fertilizers.Promotes growth stimulating substances that induce the start of root growth and increases the formation of roots and root hairs.Apt for use in organic agriculture. Crop Wheat Barley Presentation Two 6 L bladders of Biological Rizofos Liquid Fertilizer Pre inoculated Wheat + two 1.5 L bladders of Premax R Bacterial Protector. Application Rate 1000 ml per 100 kg of seed 800 ml of Inoculant + 200 ml of Protector. Biofungicides BioControl See more Biological fungicide for foliar application that provides greater disease control and a prolonged residual power. BioControl Biological fungicide for foliar application that provides greater disease control and a prolonged residual power. Go back Details ATERIX is a biofungicide based on Trichoderma afroharzianum, a fungus recognized for being one of the most important biocontrol agents to suppress a wide range of plant pathogens. When applied to the plants, it can help to prevent or reduce the incidence of certain foliar diseases. Advantages Suppresses or prevents from attacking of a diversity of pathogens in different crops.Compatible with adjuvants, insecticides, and some fungicides. Crop Rice Soybean Wheat Barley Presentation Wheat: 200 mL/100 kg seed, Soybean: 100 mL/100 kg seed, Rice: 400-600 mL/100 kg seed Application Rate Wheat: 200 mL/100 kg of seed., Soybean: 100 mL/100 kg of seed., Rice: 400-600 mL/100 kg of seed. Safety data sheet Download Marbete Download Brochure Download Terapicos de semilla See more Nuevo fungicida diseñado para el tratamiento de semillas de cereales de invierno. Terapicos de semilla Nuevo fungicida diseñado para el tratamiento de semillas de cereales de invierno. Go back Details Rizoderma SX combina el poder de protección del terápico de semilla biológico Rizoderma y el de la molécula Sedaxane, una carboxamida de última generación. Al trabajar en conjunto, ambas tecnologías aumentan el espectro de control de enfermedades y extienden la persistencia de la protección. Es el primer curasemilla del mercado argentino que integra principios de control biológico-químico en la misma fórmula. Rizoderma es un fungicida biológico, basado en la cepa del hongo Trichoderma afroharzianum (Th2). Promueve nuevos mecanismos de defensa más eficientes y prolongados, que disminuyen el desarrollo de resistencias. Brinda, al mismo tiempo, vigor y efecto promotor de crecimiento. Es libre de microplásticos. Por su parte, la incorporación de Sedaxane robustece la protección. Es una molécula de acción sistémica con una movilidad ascendente y descendente, que otorga persistencia de control en el área radicular y aérea. Controla eficazmente Rhizoctonia. Además, tiene la capacidad de expresar genes que mejoran el desarrollo radicular y producen raíces sanas y fuertes desde el comienzo. La sinergia presente en Rizoderma SX refuerza la respuesta contra el complejo de manchas foliares en los estadios iniciales del cultivo, como así también contra Rhizoctonia solani, carbones y otras infecciones fúngicas. Advantages Mejora la emergencia y sanidad integral de la plántula.Favorece la implantación, el desarrollo radicular y la absorción de nutrientes.Amplio espectro de control de enfermedades.Contribuye a reducir la carga química de los sistemas productivos. Crop Barley Trigo Presentation Pack para tratar 3000 kg de semilla., Incluye 3 vejigas de 2 L de Rizoderma, 3 botellas de 0,2 L de Sedaxane, y 3 botellas de 0,5 L de Color Red. Application Rate 200 mL Rizoderma + 20 mL Sedaxane + 50 mL Color Red cada 100 kg de semilla Terapicos de semilla See more A fungicide used for the integral management of diseases that affect the cultivation of wheat in its early stages. Active principles: Difenoconazole, Fludioxonil, Sedaxane. Terapicos de semilla A fungicide used for the integral management of diseases that affect the cultivation of wheat in its early stages. Active principles: Difenoconazole, Fludioxonil, Sedaxane. Go back Details Its formulation combines the exclusive Sedaxane molecule -belonging to the chemical group of the Carboxamides- that effectively control the Rhizoctonia fungus. Its systemic action, with an ascending and descending movement, makes it tenacious in the whole root and the area above the surface. The Sedaxane molecule has the capacity to define genes that improve root development, producing healthy and strong roots from the beginning of the process. sygenta group Registered product. *Sygenta group Registered product. Advantages Secure implantation; it does not affect the germination power of the seed.Wide spectrum: it activates protection over the fungus in the soil and seed.Low toxicity: provides tranquility for the worker. Class III.Modern formulation: less emissions of dust during the sowing.Low dosage use: easy to dosify.Stimulates root and aerial development.Less dependency of external factors.Systematic, preventive and curative action. Crop Wheat Barley Presentation 4 cans each of 5 L Application Rate 200-250 ml/100 kg of seeds Terapicos de semilla See more A fungicide used for the treatment of barley and wheat seeds. It controls diseases that affect the seed during the implantation. Active principles: Difenoconazole 9,2 g / Metalaxyl-M 2,3 g. Terapicos de semilla A fungicide used for the treatment of barley and wheat seeds. It controls diseases that affect the seed during the implantation. Active principles: Difenoconazole 9,2 g / Metalaxyl-M 2,3 g. Go back Details Its main advantage is that it contributes in diminishing the dependency on external factors. Because of its systemic action, it is absorbed by the seed and transferred to the seedling. The benefits continue even after the crop has surfaced, in this way contributing to the control of foliar diseases. The combination of its active principles (Difenoconazole y Metalaxyl-M) provides a broad range of control over diseases of the soil and the seed. Sygenta group Registered product. Sygenta group Registered product. Advantages Fungicide Seed treatment with high degree of preventive and healing control.Excellent control of the Rhizoctonia.Rooting Power: Development and strength from the root.Greater tolerance to stress.Low toxicity: of secure use for the worker applying the product.Quality of the formulation: there is no release of the product. Crop Wheat Barley Presentation 4 cans each of 5 L Application Rate 100 a 300 mL/100 kg of seeds Terapicos de semilla See more A systemic and contact fungicide used for the integral treatment of the soybean seed. It combines three active principles: Fludioxonil 2,5 g + Metalaxyl-M 2,0 g + Tiabendazole 15 g. Terapicos de semilla A systemic and contact fungicide used for the integral treatment of the soybean seed. It combines three active principles: Fludioxonil 2,5 g + Metalaxyl-M 2,0 g + Tiabendazole 15 g. Go back Details Its systemic and contact action allows it to surpass and potentiate the control of all the pathogens present in the soil, in the seed, and in the storage, in this way ensuring a better surfacing and the integral health of the soybean seedling, favoring the initial development of the crop. Sygenta group Registered product. Advantages Greater control range of pathogens in the seed, soil and storage.Avoids the introduction of pathogens in new areas of the crop where the disease has not been instated.It is compatible with Bradyrhizobium japonicum microorganisms.It ensures the best performance of soils with high infection levels.Very good adherence and coverage without release.Low toxicity (Class IV), of secure use by the worker.It helps to control diseases within the Integral Management of Plagues (IMP) Crop Pea Chickpea Corn Peanut Other Legumes Application Rate 12 bottles each of 1 L Terapicos de semilla See more A seed treatment with wide range of pathogen control, which combines two active principles: Fludioxonil 2,5 g y Metalaxyl-M. 1,0 g. Terapicos de semilla A seed treatment with wide range of pathogen control, which combines two active principles: Fludioxonil 2,5 g y Metalaxyl-M. 1,0 g. Go back Details A wide range therapeutic fungicide for the treatment of the seed, both systemic and of contact, that protects the germination and initial development of the crop, allowing for optimal plant stand. It is active even when used in small dosages. *SYGENTA GROUP REGISTERED PRODUCT. Advantages Wide control range.Does not affect germinating power.Compatible with application of inoculants.Modern formulation without release.Very good adherence and treatment of seed.It posses a differential control of the diseases caused by fungus in the soil.Complete protection against fungus that affects the quality of the seed.Low Toxicity (Class |IV), of secure use by the worker. Crop Cotton Sunflower Corn Soybean Sorghum Presentation Bottle of 1 L Application Rate 50 mL/100 kg of seed. Fungicides / Insecticides Terapicos de semilla See more A Fungicide and an Insecticide, it combines four active principles: the fungicides Fludioxonil 2,5 % + Meltalaxyl-M 2% + Tiabendazole 15% + the insecticide Tiametoxan 35 %. Terapicos de semilla A Fungicide and an Insecticide, it combines four active principles: the fungicides Fludioxonil 2,5 % + Meltalaxyl-M 2% + Tiabendazole 15% + the insecticide Tiametoxan 35 %. Go back Details The combination of the three fungicides that make up the product posses complimenting action modes and additives, which allow it to have preventive, curative and eradicating control of most of the pathogens that affect the seeds and the seedlings during the implantation. The insecticide in the formulation, Tiametoxam (neonicotinoide) provides persistent control of insects in the soil and on the surface. The roots absorb this principle, which systematically moves towards the rest of the seedling. It exercises rapid contact and stomach action on the insect, affecting its nervous system. Sygenta group registered product. Sygenta group registered product. Advantages Low toxicity for the worker. Class IV.Vigorous effect: stimulates the root and aerial development.High control persistence.Enduring protection.High compatibility with inoculants. Crop Soya Chickpea Other Legumes Soybean Presentation 12 bottles each of 1 L Application Rate 100 ml /100kg of seeds Biofungicides Terapicos de semilla See more A fungicide seed treatment based on watery substances with polymers, which distinguishes itself for the quality of its formulation. It is the combination of two active principles: Thiram 35% y Carbendazim 15%. Terapicos de semilla A fungicide seed treatment based on watery substances with polymers, which distinguishes itself for the quality of its formulation. It is the combination of two active principles: Thiram 35% y Carbendazim 15%. Go back Details The quality of its formulation allows it to have a uniform and homogenous distribution of the active principles on the seed, avoiding unprotected zones than can be attacked by pathogens. The combinations of its active principles allows for both systemic and contact action. Advantages Protects the seed from the fungus that is on it.Avoids the negative effect of the pathogens on the seed, which can damage germination.Double control action “Contact and systemic”. Crop Pulses Peanut Presentation Pail for 20 L , 4 blister each of 5 L Application Rate 200 mL/100 kg of seeds Fungicides / Insecticides Terapicos de semilla See more Curative used for the treatment of cereal seeds formulated with wide range fungicides (Difenoconazole 2,5% + Fludioxonil 2,5% y Sedaxane 5%) plus an active insecticide ingredient (Tiametoxam 17,5%). Terapicos de semilla Curative used for the treatment of cereal seeds formulated with wide range fungicides (Difenoconazole 2,5% + Fludioxonil 2,5% y Sedaxane 5%) plus an active insecticide ingredient (Tiametoxam 17,5%). Go back Details The fungicidal action of Difenoconazole, Fludioxonil and the exclusive Sedaxane molecule have complimenting and selective action modes for the seed. The Tiametoxam insecticide provides it with the necessary persistence in the control of insects in the soil and in early foliar plagues. The exclusive Sedaxane molecule, from the chemical group of the Carboxamides, effectively controls the Rhizoctonia fungus. It has a systemic control with ascending and descending mobility, providing persistence in all the root and aerial area. It also has the capacity of articulating genes that improve root development, producing healthy and strong roots from the start. Sygenta group Registered product. Advantages Both fungicide and insecticide action in one product.Modern formulation, it dries quickly without release.Rapid and uniform surfacing that does not affect the PG in the seed.The Sedaxane molecule provides excellent control for rhizoctonia.Stronger and healthier roots with a Rooting power effect. Crop Rice Wheat Barley Presentation 4 bottles each of 5L Application Rate 200-250 ml/100 kg of seeds Biofungicides Terapicos de semilla See more A foliar fungicide designed for the control of diseases that affect all crops during their development. Active principle: Carbendazim. Terapicos de semilla A foliar fungicide designed for the control of diseases that affect all crops during their development. Active principle: Carbendazim. Go back Details It has an excellent performance in the prevention and control of numerous diseases that attack wheat, especially Fusarium graminearum (Fusariosis) y Septoria tritici (spots on the leaf). Crop Wheat Presentation 4 blister each of 5 L, Pail of 20 L Application Rate 500 – 1000 mL/ha (depending on the crop and disease) Fungicides / Insecticides Terapicos de semilla See more An insecticide and fungicide therapy that is specially used for the control of insect attacks in the soil and the appearance of diseases in wheat crops. Terapicos de semilla An insecticide and fungicide therapy that is specially used for the control of insect attacks in the soil and the appearance of diseases in wheat crops. Go back Details An insecticide and fungicide therapy that is specially used for the control of insect attacks in the soil and the appearance of diseases in wheat crops. Tenacius plays two simultaneous purposes, it is an insecticide and a fungicide: it acts effectively controlling the attacks of insects from the soil and the appearance of diseases. It is a curative made up of three active principles: an insecticide, Tiametoxam, plus a mix of fungicides, Difenoconazole y Metalaxyl-M (Mefenoxam). Timotexam has a wide range of residual action. It acts stopping the harm of the plague, because it interferes with the nervous system of the insects, both in the soil they feed from or those they suck up from vegetable tissues. Difeneconazole y Metalaxyl-M have low solubility, they move more slowly, mainly found in the area of the stem. It provides long residual action on diseases at the base of the seedling and the soil. Sygenta group Registered product. Advantages Excellent formulation with Concentrated Suspension.Easily dissolvable in water, which allows for a better measurement, application, blend and hygiene of the curating machine.Perfect stability: great quality blend.No loss of the product: very good coverage and adherence to the seed.High selectivity.Stimulates root development.Favors aerial development.Lower climate dependency. Crop Barley Wheat Presentation 4 cans each of 5 L Application Rate 400 a 500 ml x seeds Biofungicides Terapicos de semilla See more Protección por mucho más tiempo. Bio-controlador fúngico de origen biológico para tratamiento de semillas que logra un mayor control de enfermedades y brinda un prolongado poder residual. Terapicos de semilla Protección por mucho más tiempo. Bio-controlador fúngico de origen biológico para tratamiento de semillas que logra un mayor control de enfermedades y brinda un prolongado poder residual. Go back Details Es un bio-controlador fúngico 100% de síntesis biológica. Su composición es en base a la cepa Trichoderma harzianum (Th2), seleccionada por el INTA por ser la más efectiva para combatir el desarrollo de las enfermedades de mayor importancia en los cultivos. Al ser biológico, tiene diferentes mecanismos de acción que le permiten controlar un amplio espectro de patógenos. Controla eficientemente: Cercospora kikuchii, Phomopsis spp., Fusarium spp., Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Macrophomina phaseolina, Fusarium graminearum, Drechslera tritici repentis, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Tilletia laevis, Ustilago tritici, Alternaria spp., Microdochium spp., Penicillum spp. y Aspergillus spp., entre otras enfermedades. Modo de acción: 100% biológico, amigable con el ambiente (banda verde). Mayor persistencia de control fungicida (residualidad). Tres mecanismos de control en un solo curasemilla. De bajo a nulo riesgo de resistencia. Rizoderma es un producto certificado por SENASA, Nota N° 39689337/2018 (APN-DCA-SENASA), como insumo apto para producción orgánica. N° Registro comercial 38.004”. Advantages 100% biológico, amigable con el ambiente (banda verde).Mayor persistencia de control fungicida (residualidad).Diferentes mecanismos de control en un solo curasemilla.De bajo a nulo riesgo de resistencia. Crop Arroz Soybean Wheat Presentation Vejiga de 2 L Application Rate Trigo 200 mL - Soja 100 mL - Arroz 400-600 mL Safety data sheet Download Marbete Download Brochure Download Fungicides / Insecticides Terapicos de semilla See more Este producto es la combinación de 3 fungicidas más un potente insecticida para tratamiento de semillas de soja. Composición: Fludioxonil 1,2 g + Tiametoxam 24 g + Metalaxil-M 3,6 g + Sedaxane 1,2 g. Terapicos de semilla Este producto es la combinación de 3 fungicidas más un potente insecticida para tratamiento de semillas de soja. Composición: Fludioxonil 1,2 g + Tiametoxam 24 g + Metalaxil-M 3,6 g + Sedaxane 1,2 g. Go back Details Suren Maxx* es un es un fungicida-insecticida para el tratamiento de semillas de soja. Está compuesto por 3 activos fungicidas y uno insecticida, que otorgan control sobre varias enfermedades presentes en semilla y raíces, como contra el Damping-off. MEFENOXAM Activo muy sistémico que, se mueve rápidamente dentro de la planta luego de la germinación, la traslocación es ascendente. Posee larga acción residual y un excelente control contra Damping-off, (Pythium spp.) y podredumbre de la raíz (Phytophtora spp.). SEDAXANE Carboxamida exclusiva para el tratamiento de semilla que se caracteriza por su excelente control contra enfermedades de las raíces, Oomycetes, Damping-off y hongos de la semilla. Además, posee un poder superior contra Macrophomina y Rhizoctonia. Este activo protege la salud de la raíz generando raíces sanas durante el periodo crítico de establecimiento del cultivo. FLUDIOXONIL Principio activo que se concentra y crea una zona de protección alrededor de la semilla, en la zona de las raíces e hipocótilo. Posee amplio espectro de control, en especial en hongos de la semilla. TIAMETOXAM Este insecticida se caracteriza por su amplio espectro de control de plagas y se destaca por ser el más consistente en el control de picudos. Es eficiente en la absorción de nutrientes y de agua, desarrollando una mejor tolerancia al estrés ambiental. Posee mayor productividad y excelente compatibilidad con inoculantes. *Marca registrada por el grupo Syngenta. Advantages Optimiza la sanidad de las raíces, la tolerancia al estrés y el vigor de las plantas para una mejor emergencia.Ofrece mayor velocidad de desarrollo del canopeo y de absorción de nutrientes mejorando la performance del cultivo.Reduce la presión de insectos y enfermedades durante la emergencia, logrando un óptimo establecimiento del cultivo.Reduce los riesgos de resiembra y los costos asociados. Crop Soja Presentation Caja con 12 botellas de 1 L c/u Application Rate 250-350 cc/ 100 kg de semillas Terapicos de semilla See more A fungicide and insecticide therapy used for the treatment of oats, wheat, barley and soybean. It is specially designed for the control of diseases and insects that affect the sowing and its implantation. Terapicos de semilla A fungicide and insecticide therapy used for the treatment of oats, wheat, barley and soybean. It is specially designed for the control of diseases and insects that affect the sowing and its implantation. Go back Details SUREN ® PLUS combines in its formulation the action of three active principles, providing fungicide and insecticide action, without affecting the germinating power of the treated plants. Both fungicides that make up its formulation have complimenting action modes: Difenoconazole (triazol) is absorbed by the roots and moved through the seedling, exercising a systemic and translaminar action. It acts inhibiting the subcuticular development of the mycelium of the fungus, preventing the development of the diseases’ symptoms. Fludioxonil (phenylpyrrole) acts through contact, interfering in the process of osmotic regulation through the inhibition of the kinase protein. The combination of both provides a wide control range and persistent action, protecting the cultivation of pathogens that affect the seeds and seedlings during the implantation. It is the only phenylpyrrole of the Market. SUREN ® PLUS provides a persistence in the control of insects in the soil, through tiametoxam (neonicotinoide), the insecticide of the formulation; It is absorbed by the roots, systematically moving to the rest of the seedling. It exercises rapid contact action and through the stomach of the insect, affecting its nervous system. Tiametoxam: posses a wide range of residual action. It acts stopping the damage of the plague, as it interferes with the nervous system of the insects, both in the soil and in those that feed and suck from vegetable tissue. Advantages Modern formulation with less detachment of dust during the sowing.Low toxicity for the worker. Class IVStimulates root and aerial development.Effective protection over pointy soybean (Promecops carinicollis) and the big pointy soybean (Sternechus subsignatus)High compatibility with inoculants with TOP technology. Crop Avena Barley Soybean Wheat Presentation Blister of 3 L Application Rate Oats: 300 ml/100 kg of seeds, Barley: 200 ml/100 kg of seeds, Wheat: 200-300 ml/100 kg of seeds, Soya: 300 ml/100 kg of seeds Microgranular Fertilizer Nutrition and Biostimulants See more Vitagrow TS offers four benefits in a single product: it is a biostimulant, anti-stress, detoxicant foliar fertilizer that contributes multinutrients. Nutrition and Biostimulants Vitagrow TS offers four benefits in a single product: it is a biostimulant, anti-stress, detoxicant foliar fertilizer that contributes multinutrients. Go back Details The organic fraction of its molecule are lignosulfonates, obtained from lignin-rich residues. Lignosulfonates are high-quality biological polymers on which 16 macro and micronutrients are chelated. Thanks to its compatibility potential and low use rates, it can be applied in conjunction with different seed treatment technologies. Its synergy with Status ZN, liquid fertilizer for early zinc application in grasses, stands out. Advantages Increases the number and volume of roots.Improves tolerance to carry of herbicide molecules and to different types of stress.Provides essential macro and micronutrients.Activates the Biological Nitrogen Fixation (FBN), since it increases the quantity and functionality of the nodules.Synergistic effect with all Rizobacter inoculants, fertilizers and therapeutics Crop Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Centeno Presentation Box of 10 bottles of 1 L each Application Rate 50 a 80 cc cada 100 kg of seed. Brochure Download Nutrition and Biostimulants See more Microstar CMB BIO is the first micro-granular fertilizer in a chemical mixture associated with biological technology, which enhances crops nutrition and adds life to the soil. Nutrition and Biostimulants Microstar CMB BIO is the first micro-granular fertilizer in a chemical mixture associated with biological technology, which enhances crops nutrition and adds life to the soil. Go back Details Microstar CMB BIO is a micro-granular fertilizer formulated to synergistically integrate chemical and biological nutrition: it provides essential macro and micronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, and boron, in addition to four types of bacteria. These bacteria –of the genus Bacillus– multiply the development of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, producing biostimulant substances that promote plant growth. Additionally, bacteria associate with the roots of crops (endophytic relationships); they enter and exit to deliver the nutrients in the fertilizer and release metabolites, which make the nutrients in the soil bioavailable. Advantages Rapid dissolution and availability of nutrients and bacteria supplied with the seed, without generating phytotoxicity at the recommended dose.All microgranules have the same composition, which guarantees a uniform distribution of nutrients and the bacteria applied.Coformulation of organic acids that provide extra protection to the phosphorus fraction of the fertilizer.Starter fertilizer: it favors rapid crop establishment and minimizes intraspecific competition giving early vigor to each plant.EXCLUSIVE TO THE BIO LINE Microstar CMB BIO is enriched with live bacteria, which generate substances that act as crop biostimulants and improve the bioavailability of the nutrients provided and those in the soil.Average yields of +9% over untreated (depending on the crop and number of applications).Improves Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF), as it increases the nodules quantity and functionality Crop Soya Cotton Chickpea Sunflower Corn Presentation Bags of 20 kg and Big Bags of 600 and 1000 kg. Application Rate Sunflower - Soybean 20-30 kg/ha, Maize 20-40 kg/ha, Wheat - Barley 30-40 kg/ha, Potatoes 30-50 kg/ha, Legumes 20-40 kg/ha, Pastures and Turf 20-40 kg/ha, Fruit trees and other woody crops 50-100 g/m2 Brochure Download Packaging Ver Nutrition and Biostimulants See more Microstar PZ BIO is the first micro-granular fertilizer in a chemical mixture associated with a biological technology, which enhances the nutrition of crops and adds life to the soil. Nutrition and Biostimulants Microstar PZ BIO is the first micro-granular fertilizer in a chemical mixture associated with a biological technology, which enhances the nutrition of crops and adds life to the soil. Go back Details Microstar PZ BIO is a micro-granular fertilizer formulated to synergistically integrate chemical and biological nutrition: it provides essential macro and micronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and zinc, together with four types of bacteria. These bacteria –of the genus Bacillus– multiply the development of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, producing biostimulant substances that promote plant growth. Additionally, bacteria associate with the roots of crops (endophytic relationships); they enter and exit to deliver the nutrients in the fertilizer and release metabolites, which make the nutrients in the soil bioavailable Advantages Rapid dissolution and availability of nutrients and bacteria supplied with the seed, without generating phytotoxicity at the recommended dose.All microgranules have the same composition, which guarantees a uniform distribution of nutrients and applied bacteria.Coformulation of organic acids that provide extra protection to the phosphorus fraction of the fertilizer.Starter fertilizer: it favors rapid crop establishment and minimizes intraspecific competition giving early vigor to each plant.EXCLUSIVE FROM THE BIO LINE Microstar PZ BIO is enriched with live bacteria, which generate substances that act as crop biostimulants and improve the bioavailability of the nutrients provided and those in the soil. Crop Soya Rice Fruits Sunflower Pulses Presentation Bags of 20 kg and Big Bags of 600 and 1000 kg. Application Rate Sunflower - Soybean 20-30 kg/ha, Maize 20-40 kg/ha, Wheat - Barley 30-40 kg/ha, Potatoes 30-50 kg/ha, Legumes 20-30 kg/ha, Pastures and Turf 20-40 kg/ha, Fruit trees and other woody crops 50-100 g/m2 Brochure Download Packaging Ver Foliar fertilizer See more VitaGrow is an organic-mineral foliar fertilizer that helps increase crops productivity and sustainability. Foliar fertilizer VitaGrow is an organic-mineral foliar fertilizer that helps increase crops productivity and sustainability. Go back Details VitaGrow offers four benefits in a single product; it is a biostimulant, detoxifying, anti-stress, foliar fertilizer that provides multi-nutrients. The organic fraction of its molecule are lignosulfonates, obtained from lignin-rich residues. Lignosulfonates are high-quality biological polymers on which 16 macro and micronutrients are chelated. Vitagrow is used at low use rates and has an excellent solubility; in addition, it can be applied in conjunction with herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and conventional liquid fertilizers. Advantages Improves Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF), as it increases nodules quantity and functionality.Excellent solubility and easy application.High compatibility and flexibility of use with herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and conventional liquid fertilizers.Rapid absorption and mobility in plants.Average yields of +9% over untreated controls (depending on the crop and number of applications).Rendimientos promedios de un 9 % extra versus testigos sin tratar (según cultivo y cantidad de aplicaciones).Low use rate and cost per hectare. Crop Colza Canola Hortalizas de bulbo y tallo Hortalizas de raíz Soya Cotton Presentation Box with 10 sachets of 1 kg each Application Rate 150 gr / ha per application. Safety data sheet Download Brochure Download Packaging Ver Nutrition and Biostimulants See more Microstar CMB microgranular fertilizer technology promotes crop start and represents a qualitative leap towards efficiency and precision in the nutrition process. It expands the response possibilities in crops with high nutritional demand, for which boron is essential to achieve maximum yields. Nutrition and Biostimulants Microstar CMB microgranular fertilizer technology promotes crop start and represents a qualitative leap towards efficiency and precision in the nutrition process. It expands the response possibilities in crops with high nutritional demand, for which boron is essential to achieve maximum yields. Go back Details Microstar CMB is a fertilizer based on microgranules in a chemical mixture, a technology that provides nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, calcium, boron, molybdenum, and cobalt. Due to its composition, it is especially recommended for legumes nutrition. It is indicated for use as a sowing starter near the seed, in order to fertilize the crop and favor access and rapid availability of nutrients applied in the root absorption zone. The microgranules are enhanced with TPP (Phosphorus Preservation Technology), a co-formulation of organic acids that provides extra protection to the phosphorus fraction. Microstar microgranular fertilizer is produced by Synertech Industries under international quality standards International Quality Standards ISO 9001:2015 Advantages The proximity of the microgranules to the seeds facilitates early absorption of nutrients.Starter: it contributes to the development of the root system from the start and to the rapid and homogeneous establishment of the crop.Uniform distribution of applied nutrients.In legumes, it enhances conditions for a correct nodulation and activity for Biological Nitrogen FixationIt is not phytotoxic at the recommended rate.It is easy to apply in the field.It simplifies logistics. Crop Soya Tomato, Potato, Lettuce, Berries, Grapes, Soybean, Corn, Sunflower, Peanut & Dry Bean Cotton Chickpea Sunflower Presentation 10 and 20 kg bags, Big Bags of 600 to 1000kg. Application Rate Soy - Sunflower 20-30 kg/ha, Corn 20-40 kg/ha, Wheat / Barley 30-50 kg/ha, Wheat / Barley 20-30 kg/ha, Pastures and Verdeos, 20-40 kg/ha Brochure Download Nutrition and Biostimulants See more Microstar PZ microgranular fertilizer technology promotes crop start and represents a qualitative leap towards efficiency and precision in the nutrition process. Offers the greatest efficiency on the market by applying the necessary rate of zinc. Nutrition and Biostimulants Microstar PZ microgranular fertilizer technology promotes crop start and represents a qualitative leap towards efficiency and precision in the nutrition process. Offers the greatest efficiency on the market by applying the necessary rate of zinc. Go back Details Microstar PZ is a fertilizer based on microgranules in a chemical mixture, a technology that enhances crops nutrition and adds life to the soil. Due to its composition, it is especially recommended for grassy weeds (Gramineae) nutrition. It is indicated for use as a sowing starter near the seed, in order to fertilize the crop and favor access and rapid availability of nutrients applied in the root absorption zone. The microgranules are enhanced with TPP (Phosphorus Preservation Technology), a co-formulation of organic acids that provides extra protection to the phosphorus fraction. Microstar microgranular fertilizer is produced by Synertech Industries under international quality standards International Quality Standards ISO 9001:2015 Advantages The proximity of the microgranules to the seeds facilitates early absorption of nutrients.Starter: it contributes to the development of the root system from the start and to the rapid and homogeneous establishment of the cropUniform distribution of applied nutrients.In legumes, it enhances conditions for a correct nodulation and activity for Biological Nitrogen Fixation.It is not phytotoxic at the recommended rate.It is easy to apply in the field.It simplifies logistics. Crop Soya Rice Fruits Sunflower Pulses Presentation 10 and 20 kg bags and Big Bags of 600 to 1000kg. Application Rate Soybean 20-30 kg/ha, Sunflower 20-30 kg/ha , Corn 30-40 kg/ha, Wheat/Barley 30-50 kg/ha, Potatoes/legumes 20-30 kg/ha, Pastures/Green, 20-40 kg/ha, Fruit Trees and Forest, 50-100 g/m2 Brochure Download Nutrition and Biostimulants See more Liquid fertilizer used in the application of Zinc in the treatment of rice, maize, wheat and sorghum seeds. Nutrition and Biostimulants Liquid fertilizer used in the application of Zinc in the treatment of rice, maize, wheat and sorghum seeds. Go back Details Status ZN is a nutritional alternative that is easy for farmers to use. Its floable formulation (concentrated suspension) corrects the initial deficiency of this nutrient and promotes early plant growth and higher crop yields. Adding zinc near the seed provides multiple benefits to the crop: Increased root and leaf area growth; Homogeneous emergence, better health, and vigor during the critical stage of implantation; Increased yield owing to more efficient use of water and other nutrients. Status ZN is compatible with biological and chemical seed therapics, and exponentially complements the action of our Microstar microgranular fertilizer applied in the seeding line. Importance of Zinc: Zinc is an important micronutrient and its available in the soil can be affected by factors such as early sowing, low organic matter, ambiences of high productivity, thick textured soils and calcareous grounds with a PH of over 7. Main Functions of Zinc: It acts in the production of meristematic enzymes, important for the growth of the plant. Its activity is linked to the production of growth regulators, as it participates in the synthesis of Tryptophan (precursor of Auxins). Advantages Excellent coverage performance of the treated seed.Optimum viscosity value: it enables fluidity of the product in diverse types of cereals.Great stability of the concentrated suspension.Promotes early plant growth and higher crop yields. Crop Rice Corn Sorghum Wheat Barley Presentation Drums of 5 L Application Rate Rice 200 – 350 mL, Wheat/Barley 200 – 300 mL, Corn 200 – 350 mL, Sorghum 200 – 300 mL Brochure Download Adyuvant Adjuvant See more Only adjuvant technology that integrates a surfactant molecule system combined with modified vegetable oil (MSO), creating a micro emulsion specially designed to accompany broth-based graminicides. Adjuvant Only adjuvant technology that integrates a surfactant molecule system combined with modified vegetable oil (MSO), creating a micro emulsion specially designed to accompany broth-based graminicides. Go back Details It is the optimum enhancer of graminicides and other emulsifiable concentrates (CE) because it provides anti-evaporating, penetrating and trans-locating attributes. It is a stable thermodynamic micro-emulsion, which has been specially designed for increasing the stability of very highly complex-mixes carried out in tanks, used in agricultural practices today. Rizospray Integrum is not separated in phases, in this way avoiding the stratification of supplies in the pulverization broth. Advantages Only adjuvant in the market chemically designed to enhance graminicides.Forms a micro-emulsion: stable mix without phase separation.Reduces evaporation because it has methylated oil in its composition.Maximizes the penetration and translocation tandem.Guarantee greater speed and increase the control percentage.It does not affect the performance of the glyphosates and other salts because it is methylated oil with high surfactant concentration. Crop Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Girasol Presentation One 10 L bladder Application Rate 200 to 250 ml/ha for applications together with graminicides, in accordance with the size of the weed. Adjuvant See more Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Adjuvant Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Go back Details Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Unfavorable environments enhance its benefits. Such is the case with chances of rain a few hours before the application, high temperatures or scares environmental humidity. It ensures greater protection of the drops under extreme conditions, greater cuticular penetration and has excellent spreading capacity over the targeted area. Anti evaporating power: thanks to its formula that includes refined and modified oil, it can protect the drops from the time they leave the pulverizing mouthpiece to the time they reach the target, even in future. High wetness power and greater surface coverage is possible thanks to the silicon organs that make up its formulation. Maximum cuticular penetration: the modified vegetable oil (MSO) dissolves the wall while the silicon organ provides great affinity between the drops and the Advantages Makes low volume applications more efficient.Lowers the risk of washing away due to rain.Its formulation optimizes the performance of the phytosanitary and improves logistic timetablesImproves the efficiency of control in difficult and stressed weed.Drastically lowers the risk of stains or “magnifying-glass effect.”Works with a relatively lower humidity than usual. Crop Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Garbanzo Presentation One 10 L bladder Application Rate RECOMMENDED In extensive crops: 200cc/ha in terrestrial and aerial applications with volumes lower than 200 L per hectare. , In sprays superior to 200 L, use a 0,1% V/V. Adjuvant See more Super moistening and dispersing adjuvant, only formulated based on trixiloxane and copolymer, without Nonyl phenol. Adjuvant Super moistening and dispersing adjuvant, only formulated based on trixiloxane and copolymer, without Nonyl phenol. Go back Details Silwet has lead the silicon production market used in agriculture for the past 30 years, evolving to obtain Silwet L*Ag. It is a product made up of 100% copolymers and silicon, reaching a great pH stability range, guaranteeing the delivery of its super moistening and dispersing properties in any condition of application. Specially indicated for situations in which high coverage of the impacted tissue, the spread of the phytosanitary particles and the reach of difficult targeted areas are needed. Its low surface tension allows it to go through the natural openings of the crops. It has a wide-ranging scientific backing. Recommended for low volume sprays with good environmental humidity. Advantages High wetting powerGreater adherenceRapid penetration of the agro-chemicals (through stomach and walls).Better coverage: it improves the affinity with the cuticular wax.Reduces washing due to rain. Crop Alfalfa Corn Soya Cotton Rice Presentation Ten 1 L bottles. Application Rate RECOMENDED 25/50 ml per 100 litter pulverization in extensive grounds., 50/100 ml/100 L for aerial and land spraying of low volume. (BV and UBV), *Ask your agriculture specialist or refer to your nearest Rizobacter Technician., *Ask your agriculture specialist or refer to your nearest Rizobacter Technician. Adjuvant See more It is a pH corrector with buffering capacity and an ability to captor high performing cations that improves the water quality of agricultural sprays. Adjuvant It is a pH corrector with buffering capacity and an ability to captor high performing cations that improves the water quality of agricultural sprays. Go back Details It is the most efficient cation captor, inhibiting the antagonistic effect produces by Ca, Mg, Fe, Al and other over the phytosanitary. It has a potent buffer power that allows for the correction of its water hardness, ensuring the pH stays at a range of 4.5 to 6.5 by the end of the dosage. The pH value for which the Rizospray Corrector Secuestrante (water conditioner) has been designed has shown that it is the adequate choice for most of the phytosanitary. Advantages Excellent buffering power that improves the conditions of application of agro-chemical products.Helps to combat weeds present in lime, clay and other organic matter (soil) or Ca on the surface.Ability to form chelates with the cations, avoiding the precipitation of the captured material. Crop All crops Presentation Box with Ten 1 L bottles. Application Rate RECOMENDED 100 cc for each 800 P.P.M of hardness in 100 L of water. Adjuvant See more An adjuvant formulated on greasy monoramified etoxylated alcohol (AGE). It is a tension active and moisturizer that improves the coverage and contact of the agro-chemicals over the foliar surface. It is free of Nonyl Phenol. Adjuvant An adjuvant formulated on greasy monoramified etoxylated alcohol (AGE). It is a tension active and moisturizer that improves the coverage and contact of the agro-chemicals over the foliar surface. It is free of Nonyl Phenol. Go back Details With a total biodegradation superior to 90%, it works improving the coverage and adherence of the agro-chemicals over the foliar surface, increasing the efficiency of the products to be sprayed. It has a concentration of 48% of its active ingredient. This high value sets it apart from the rest of the co-adjuvants of its category. The AGE have also shown to be very good dispersers of particles, collaborating with the stability of the broth Advantages Ensures a quick distribution over the surface of the leaf.Produces a uniform coverage of the foliar surface.Lower foam production.It is free of Nonyl Phenol and Benzene. Friendly to the environment and humans. Crop Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Girasol Presentation 10 1 L bottles each. Application Rate RECOMENDED , 30-50 cc each 100 L of water or broth to spray Adjuvant See more Anti-evaporating power and penetrating product, it emulsifies the products when applied, forming a protective film, in this way reducing the evaporation and improving its reaction with the vegetable cuticles. Adjuvant Anti-evaporating power and penetrating product, it emulsifies the products when applied, forming a protective film, in this way reducing the evaporation and improving its reaction with the vegetable cuticles. Go back Details Because of its formulation, it stands out for its adhesion capacity and the reduction of the surface tension of the drop. Its affinity with wax-like surfaces of the leaves allows for the penetration to the interior of the plants. It is formulated with methyl esters of fatty acids that come from soybean oil (MSO), which provides it with its anti evaporation capacity. It is easily emulsifiable. Especially advisable for avoiding the evaporation of the applied products. Advantages Favors the adherence and reduces the surface tension of the applied products.The affinity of Rizo Oil M Plus with the wax-like surface of the leaves, allows for the penetration in the interior of the plant.Easily emulsified in water. Crop Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Girasol Presentation One 15 L Bladder Application Rate RECOMENDED From 0.3 to 0.5% of the broth to be applied. Brochure Download Adjuvant See more An agent that prevents or eliminates the formation of foam in tanks. Adjuvant An agent that prevents or eliminates the formation of foam in tanks. Go back Details The formation of foam is an undesirable phenomenon that is associated with conventional spraying practice with high technology tools. Foam is something usual in high quality phytosanitary that have stabilizers, surfactants and or emulsifiers in its formulation. In any case, machines with high capacity agitation tanks or the sprayings that do not require a complete tank can produce foam. Rizospray Antifoam offers a low cost solution. Advantages Optimizes the spraying operation, avoiding leaks and contaminations.Simplifies how to determine the load level of the machine.Avoids variations in the air suction pressure in the liquid. Crop Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Girasol Presentation BOX of Ten 1 L bottles. Application Rate 5 - 10 cc per 100 L of water or broth to spray. Adjuvant See more A physiologic activator to be used with herbicides. Adjuvant A physiologic activator to be used with herbicides. Go back Details It is a physiologic activator, used as an enhancer of the activity of some herbicides (i.e.: Glyphosate, glufosinate, nicosulfuron). It can be used as a nutrient in foliar fertilizing of crops. It is a formulation based on liquid ammonic sulphate (40%), which implies a minimum risk of impurities and eliminates the risk of caking or bad solubility in water. Advantages ActivatorEnhancer of herbicide activity Crop Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Girasol Presentation Bladder of 15 L. Application Rate -, - Adjuvant See more Optimizá los caldos de aplicación. Evitá que las mezclas se corten y recuperá aquellas que parecían perdidas Adjuvant Optimizá los caldos de aplicación. Evitá que las mezclas se corten y recuperá aquellas que parecían perdidas Go back Details Adyuvante recuperador y preventivo para compatibilizar caldos de aplicación. Único con registro para herbicidas residuales. De amplio espectro, tensioactivo, adherente y dispersante. Está compuesto por un blend de emulsionantes que ejercen acciones de dispersión y por un alcalinizante que, en complemento con un potente buffer alcalino, modifica la acidez del medio. Como resultado de esta actividad, mantiene la estabilidad de las mezclas de fitosanitarios (compuestas por herbicidas, fungicidas, insecticidas y fertilizantes foliares) dentro del tanque de la pulverizadora. A través de evaluaciones a campo y en laboratorio, se comprobó su capacidad estabilizante en diferentes combinaciones estratégicas de herbicidas para controles de malezas sin costos adicionales por descarte, reaplicación o ineficacia a causa de problemas de incompatibilidad. Además, es el único adyuvante compatibilizador del mercado con registro para herbicidas residuales, lo cual garantiza la duración del efecto herbicida del fitosanitario. Advantages Máxima capacidad estabilizante en todas las combinaciones estratégicas de herbicidas.Evita costos adicionales por descarte, reaplicación o ineficacia por incompatibilidad.Permite obtener mezclas totalmente estables.Reduce el riesgo de incrustaciones de productos en la pulverizadora.Previene el tapado de filtros y boquillas.Buffer alcalino suave, no solubiliza herbicidas residuales.Ensayos a campo avalan la eficacia del producto. Crop Alfalfa Arveja Corn Soya Cotton Presentation Caja con 4 bidones de 5 L cada uno. Application Rate Variables según tasa de aplicación (vol/ha), formulaciones, dosis y marcas utilizadas. Compatibilizante y recuperador a partir de 50 cc/ha. Adjuvant See more La tranquilidad del campo empieza por tu tanque limpio Adjuvant La tranquilidad del campo empieza por tu tanque limpio Go back Details Garantizá aplicaciones seguras y eficaces sin fitotoxicidad ni residuos indebidos con Rizospray Cleaner Advance SMART, el limpiador de formulación mejorada para el correcto mantenimiento de tus equipos de pulverización. El nuevo Rizospray Cleaner Advance SMART mantiene los excelentes atributos de la formulación original. Su triple actividad desincrustante, solubilizante e inactivante asegura un proceso de lavado profesional integral de tu máquina y te indica que está listo para usar. Advantages Permite desincrustar, disgregar y suspender las partículas sólidas, típicas de las formulaciones de herbicidas más desafiantes de la actualidad.Alcaliniza fuertemente; inactivando así moléculas tales como Glifosato, 2,4D, Dicamba, Picloram, MSMA, herbicidas fosforados y otros.Emulsiona los restos de graminicidas, insecticidas, aceites agrícolas de mala calidad y otros fitosanitarios en base oleosa.Gracias a la nueva formulación con tecnología SMART se puede constatar que la tarea fue realizada. Crop Todos los cultivos. Presentation 10 botellas de 1 L cada una. Application Rate 300 cc cada 100 L de agua. Adjuvant See more An anti evaporation product to be used accompanied by fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. It is a vegetable oil of medium to rapid rupture, emulsifiable in water. It is apt for use in fruit growth. Adjuvant An anti evaporation product to be used accompanied by fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. It is a vegetable oil of medium to rapid rupture, emulsifiable in water. It is apt for use in fruit growth. Go back Details It is a vegetable oil produced from soybean oil, easily emulsified in water. Advantages Reduces the evaporation and surface tension of the applied products, improving the quality of the application. Crop Alfalfa Soya Cotton Rice Sunflower Presentation One 15 L BLADDER Application Rate RECOMENDED , The recommended minimum dosage for extensive crops is no less than 1%. In fruit crops and perennials, it is important to go through. Adjuvant See more An adjuvant formulated on greasy monoramified etoxylated alcohol (AGE). It is a tension active and moisturizer that improves the coverage and contact of the agro-chemicals over the foliar surface. It is free of Nonyl Phenol. Adjuvant An adjuvant formulated on greasy monoramified etoxylated alcohol (AGE). It is a tension active and moisturizer that improves the coverage and contact of the agro-chemicals over the foliar surface. It is free of Nonyl Phenol. Go back Details With a total biodegradation superior to 90%, it works improving the coverage and adherence of the agro-chemicals over the foliar surface, increasing the efficiency of the products to be sprayed. It has a concentration of 48% of its active ingredient. This high value sets it apart from the rest of the co-adjuvants of its category. The AGE have also shown to be very good dispersers of particles, collaborating with the stability of the broth. Advantages Ensures a quick distribution over the surface of the leaf.Produces a uniform coverage of the foliar surface.Lower foam production.It is free of Nonyl Phenol and Benzene. Friendly to the environment and humans. Crop Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Girasol Presentation 800 ml and 1 L bottles Application Rate RECOMENDED , 30-50 cc each 100 L of water or broth to spray Adjuvant See more Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Adjuvant Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Go back Details Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications. Unfavorable environments enhance its benefits. Such is the case with chances of rain a few hours before the application, high temperatures or scares environmental humidity. It ensures greater protection of the drops under extreme conditions, greater cuticular penetration and has excellent spreading capacity over the targeted area. Anti evaporating power: thanks to its formula that includes refined and modified oil, it can protect the drops from the time they leave the pulverizing mouthpiece to the time they reach the target, even in future. High wetness power and greater surface coverage is possible thanks to the silicon organs that make up its formulation. Maximum cuticular penetration: the modified vegetable oil (MSO) dissolves the wall while the silicon organ provides great affinity between the drops and the Advantages Makes low volume applications more efficient.Lowers the risk of washing away due to rain.Its formulation optimizes the performance of the phytosanitary and improves logistic timetablesImproves the efficiency of control in difficult and stressed weed.Drastically lowers the risk of stains or “magnifying-glass effect.”Works with a relatively lower humidity than usual. Crop Alfalfa Algodón Arroz Barley Garbanzo Presentation Vejiga de 5L Application Rate 100-200mL/100L de agua Baits for pest control Molluscicide bait See more A molluscicides feed that enables an efficient control of slugs and snails. Its active principle is metaldheido methylate (a specific molluscicide) with a 5% concentration. Molluscicide bait A molluscicides feed that enables an efficient control of slugs and snails. Its active principle is metaldheido methylate (a specific molluscicide) with a 5% concentration. Go back Details It acts through dehydration, through direct contact or ingestion. It is made of flower and semolina selected to attract the plague. It ensures a uniform pellet size, in this way allowing an excellent coverage of the ground and a greater homogeneity through a centrifuge application. Advantages Incorporates a repulsive agent in its formulation so as to avoid its ingestion by domestic animalsHarmless for the beneficial fauna of the soil. (worms)Ensures persistence and durability in the soil when faced with dew and moderate showers. Crop Alfalfa Cotton Rice Рапс Chickpea Presentation One 25 kilogram bag Application Rate 5 a 7 kg/ha Bait crustacida See more A crustacean pesticide feed specially designed for the control of isopods (sow bug). Bait crustacida A crustacean pesticide feed specially designed for the control of isopods (sow bug). Go back Details Its exclusive formulation includes acetamiprid, a last generation active principle that guarantees superior performance in smaller dosages. It ensures greater persistence in the lot and maximum application efficiency, due to its greater coverage level. Advantages Green group: it safe for farmers and the environment.Acts on the central nervous systemPossesses a prolonged residual effect.Selective insecticide, it does not affect beneficial fauna.Compatible with strategies used in the integrated plague management.It is not rinsed away by rain or watering systems. Crop Alfalfa Barley Garbanzo Legumbres Maíz Presentation 1 twenty kilogram bag. Application Rate 3 a 5 kg/ha depending on the time of application. Stored grains Acaricide insecticide See more An acaricide insecticide for the secure and prolonged control of plagues in stored grains. Formulated with the active ingredient of Pirimiphos-methyl. Acaricide insecticide An acaricide insecticide for the secure and prolonged control of plagues in stored grains. Formulated with the active ingredient of Pirimiphos-methyl. Go back Details It has a prolonged persistence in grains and in inert surfaces, allowing to maintain stored bags, silos and in storage areas protected during long periods at a time, without the need of frequent treatment. It is a preventive product within a program of grain storage management. Does not generate resistance. BRAND REGISTERED BY A COMPANY IN THE SYNGENTA GROUP Advantages Provides up to 1 year of protection with one application.Very low toxicity level for humans.Can be applied with minimal precautions and without using special teams. Crop Paddy rice Corn Sorghum Wheat Barley Presentation 12 1-liter bottles Application Rate 10 cm3 per ton of stored grain. Control de plagas Download Acaricide insecticide See more An acaricide insecticide for a secure and prolonged control of plagues in stored grains. Formulated under last generation active principles: Pirimiphos-methyl and Lambda-cyhalothrin Acaricide insecticide An acaricide insecticide for a secure and prolonged control of plagues in stored grains. Formulated under last generation active principles: Pirimiphos-methyl and Lambda-cyhalothrin Go back Details An efficient solution for the conservation and preservation from infestations in the storage of grains and seeds. Its components complement each other and potentiate themselves, controlling the total variety of plagues in only one application. It is an insecticide, presented as a “Twin-pack”, made up of two liquid parts: Liquid part 1: 50% Pirimiphos-methyl, insecticide, acaricide, gorgogicide. Liquid part 2: 5% Micro capsuled Lambda-cyhalothrin, gorgogicide. It has a prologued life span over inert surfaces (facilities) and cereals, and when applied correctly can provide up to one year of protection Brand registered to a company of the Syngenta group. Advantages Provides up to one year of protection in one applicationLow toxicity for humansCan be applied with minimum precautions and without special equipment.High protection without dangerous residue.Has not generated a species of resistant plagues. Crop Soya Rice Paddy rice Chickpea Corn Presentation Pack with 12 bottles of 1 L each (8 actellic 50 of 1 L each + 4 karate Son 1 L each) Application Rate 10 cm3 of the mix, proportional to tonnage of stored grain. Control de plagas Download Control de plagas See more Fumigation tablets that eliminate all the evolutionary stages of insects in stored grains. Control de plagas Fumigation tablets that eliminate all the evolutionary stages of insects in stored grains. Go back Details A solid fumigant that generates gas. It is composed of 60% Aluminium phosphorous, plus a well-balanced mix of ammonium carbamate and paraffin that allow for the secure and effective liberation of the phosphine (active toxic) A very efficient product for the treatment in silo bags. Controls insects and fungus, avoiding contamination with mycotoxins. A DETIA REGISTERED PRODUCT. Advantages Eliminates all the evolutionary stages of insectsProvides greater concentration of product.Does not affect or modify the properties of the treated product.Does not leave toxic residue.Not aggressive with the environment.Offers extraordinary security in its application thanks to the controlled liberation of phosphine, an errand exclusive to ammonium carbonate. Crop All crops Presentation Box with 9 cans of 16 tubes of 30 pills of 3g each, Box with 12 flasks containing 333 big pills of 3g each, Box with 12 flasks containing 166o pellets of 0.6g each Application Rate 3 tablets per cubic meter in conventional silo or cell., 1.5 tablets in airtight environments or bag silo CONTACT For more information about our company, products and points of sale, do not hesitate to contact us; we will answer your question as soon as possible. (54) 9 02477409400 Domicilio Av. Dr Arturo Frondizi 1150 Localidad Parque Industrial - Pergamino, Argentina Send us a Whatsapp